Monday, November 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick Or Treating for UNICEF on Halloween By Aniruddha

This Halloween, I did not go trick or treating for candy.
My mother gave me dark chocolate truffles from Whole Foods because I did not eat any candy.
I went trick or treating for UNICEF instead.
My teacher wanted every kid in my 3rd grade class to collect $15.
I collected $30!
I went to a lot of houses and I also sold glow sticks and toys to collect money.
The money goes to poor kids in Africa.

25c gives 10 kids with safe water for a day because sometimes kids don't get clean water and bad water can make you very sick.
$1 pays for protein biscuits for a starving child. Starving means they are very hungry and have not eaten in a long time.
$17 keeps a kid safe from 6 killer diseases. Diseases are bad sickness like maleria and chicken pox.
$24 supplies an emergency first aid kit. This can help keep people alive if they are dying.
$257 buys a school-box so kids can learn anywhere. Some kids dont have pencils and erazers and books to study and they really want to study. So the school-box will have a lot of studying stuff.
$500 buys a water pump for a village or school. Sometimes kids walk many miles to get water and then they cannot go to school, it is very very hard to get water.

Next time I want to collect $500.