Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Time I was Scared! by Aniruddha

The Time I was Scared
By Aniruddha Pochimcherla

              Do you know that I watch Kung Fu movies and detective serials like Sherlock Holmes and Poirot on TV? I am not scared of watching crimes, fighting, and people getting hurt. When I myself get hurt, I don’t cry much. I am also not scared of ghosts and the dark. But, there is one thing that always freaks me out. Do you know what that is? I am very, very scared of spiders.
             When someone is afraid of something, they say that they have a phobia. My fear of spiders is called “Arachnophobia”. Whenever I see spiders in magazines like National Geographic Kids, I turn my head away or turn the page immediately. Even seeing pictures of spiders makes me start to panic. I feel really yucky in my head and start to sweat sometimes if I have to keep seeing the picture.
             The reason I am scared of spiders is because they look disgusting to me. Spiders have eight legs and they can have six to eight eyes. The ones I see are usually dark in color, black or brown. I also don’t like looking at the ones that are really hairy because I find them to be gross-looking. Another reason is that the spider might bite me. Some spiders like the Recluse spider and Black Widow spider can be dangerous when they bite. People can even die by their bites. 
             Last year, on Halloween evening, I went trick-or-treating in my neighborhood. I went to one of my neighbor’s houses and saw a big spider decoration. It was a gigantic, black spider with eight long hairy legs and gloomy, bulging eyes. It was surrounded by a big white web. When I saw it, it really freaked me out and I was sweating for a very long time. I did not want to go trick-or-treating for the rest of the evening after that incident, and I have never gone to that neighbor’s house again. 
            I have been reading up about spiders on Wikipedia and I read that in the 20th century, there were only 100 deaths due to spider bites. So, I am trying my best to not be so scared of spiders anymore. But the fear is still with me. My parents tell me that when I grow up, I won’t be afraid of spiders anymore. I sure hope so!

The Super Snail by Divya

The Super Snail
Written by Divya

I wrote a story called "The Super Snail" and everyone liked it. I hope you like it too!
If you cannot read it clearly, please click on it to make it bigger.

My Favorite Toy

My Favorite Toy
by Aniruddha

Do you know what my most favorite thing in my room is? It is my soft toy and sleeping buddy, a stuffed tiger. I named him Matthew and I enjoy playing with it and making up imaginary games with it.
My mother gave me a gift card of $10 at Target because I did very well at my studies and homework. So we went to Target to find my reward to spend my gift card on. First, I could not decide what to pick. I looked at footballs and table tennis balls, because these are my favorite sports. But, I did not find anything that I really needed. Then I asked my mother for a dinosaur toy and we went looking for a dinosaur. We saw one but they were so tiny that I decided I really did not want it. Then I saw these stuffed animal toys – there were elephants, tigers, and hippos.
Have you ever read a comic book called “Calvin and Hobbes”? Hobbes is Calvin’s stuffed tiger, but he is a real tiger for Calvin, while everyone else like his mother, father, teacher and friend only see him as a stuffed toy. So, the tiger that I found in Target looked exactly like Hobbes. He looked really funny. That is why I decided to buy the stuffed tiger. He is orange in color with black stripes. He has a long tail and a really funny looking moustache.
When I got the stuffed tiger home, I was trying to decide what to call him. My mother said you can name him Hobbes but I did not want to copy the book because I am not Calvin. So I decided to name him Matthew and now we are “Ani and Matthew”, just like, “Calvin and Hobbes”. I made up a game called “Tiger Football” that I play with Matthew. It’s a fast and fun game. Matthew also helps me from getting bored during homework time and he sleeps next to me during night time. He is a big tiger so he helps to chase away any monsters that come in my dreams.
If you ever visit me at home, I would like to show you my Matthew toy. My sister and all my friends like him and I am sure you will too. He is my best buddy!