Friday, March 11, 2011

Look at our new lenses!


I and Divya (who is my sister) both got new glasses.
I had a test in school and my school nurse sent a letter to my mom.
Then we went to an eye doctor to get a test done and Divya also had her test done.
It took too long and we waited and waited.
We saw a movie there called Monsters vs Aliens and it was animashion about a g
irl that becomes blown up into a big monster size and she meets other animals that talk and things like that.
It was so boring! Worst boring movie!
Finally, after the test, next day we went to get glasses.
Here are pictures of us in our new glasses.
I wear them everyday now except when I go to KungFu and Skating or when I am sleeping.
My mother makes me take them off for KungFu and Skating because one day we went to Skating and then we were playing in the PlayCenter. Someone bumped into Divya and her glasses scratched her face.
She got a little blood and we came home then.
But they didnt bump her on purpose and they did it accidentaly.
Do you like my glasses?

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